• The Work And The Energy - The In-between Relation And Their Contribution To The Concept of "The Arrow of Time"
    I shall argue, using classical non-relativistic mechanics and because of this fact needs to be emphasised that gravity (even in its quantised form) is regarded as basic for the "Arrow of Time", that the way of a "single equation treatment" for most of the physical phenomena presents an incomplete picture; a mere description of an effect at the foreground, while the underlying dynamics controlling the way the effect manifests itself remain hidden at the background. I propose that the way to a proper treatment, and therefore a complete understanding of the way physical phenomena unravel, is paved by the use of a system of equations, rather than a single equation, gradually increasing in number of members, as the phenomenon described becomes more complex.
    The system of equations formulated for the example considered in this paper unravels the fact that the underlying dynamics are in control of the way the effect manifests itself and are not Time-bound. They can go as far as setting Time to its original notion of measurement of movement. The numerical simulation of the system of equations for the Time-bound case and the Motion-bound case respectively, underlying the fact that both interpretations are equivalent and, what's more, that Time as a physical property is neither required to nor must exist for physical phenomena to be accurately described. In other words, Time is only a convenient way of describing what's really out there, that is motion, and must be treated only as such. Most of the times this mere convenience we call Time turns out to be as much misleading. As it will become apparent Time disappears anyway at the level of underlying dynamics where Work dominates (by its definition a Timeless quantity), outside of a macroscopic frame of reference. It's only in a macroscopic frame of reference, where rate of movement is measured against movement, that Time manifests its self (as through the definition of Power), and when this macroscopic frame of reference is removed, almost everything, but Work, appears to have been only an illusion.

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