• The Time, Within Time
    Time, “the best of Doctors”. The “Pandamator” Time. Time, “the Eternal”. A bit of a more in-depth research may reveal that Time used to have more nick names, through out written human history, to be called after even from God Apollo himself. Despite this probability, one is the major question remaining is: “What is that which makes Time to appear as such a magical thing in our eyes, as it does?” For many, the answer appears like been only one: “Our incapacity to overcome him!” Comes as a hard to bite fact, but there’s no way for us human beings to overcome Time. Those who tried to do so, throughout the realms of history, were mainly people leading a jauntily life, without having to experience the stress and common problems dominating everyday life. Instead, there were others to carry the loans for them, who were destined only to serve. Such an irony really! For all the slaves or servants through–out human history, Time was not something they had any intention of overpowering. They had no intention of getting tortured or serve for ever. They well understood that the pass of Time was bringing them closer and closer to something they actually wanted, in some cases intentionally foreseeing to, more than anything else to happen. Maybe this had been the crucial point in human history at which the idea that the “flow of Time” is something every man perceives differently, was born? When you are happy or having fun, Time passes intolerably quickly, while, when not, Time seems to flow excruciatingly slowly.

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