The basic concept behind “Finite State Machines” is that everything, from human behaviour/reaction to causes and effects, can be broken down to individual states, the net effect of them all combined is what we come to recognise as the end result. For example, a decision/action process can be broken down into smaller decisions to be made, with every one of which to mean at the same time that he/she making the decision got into a particular state as a result.
    One of the most characteristic illustrations of the use and workings of a “Finite State Machine” is the “Traffic Lights” paradigm. A set of traffic lights is actually nothing more than a “Finite State Machine” with a total of four internal states: State I) Green light ON/Amber light OFF/Red light OFF, State II) Green light OFF/Amber light ON/Red light OFF, State III) Green light OFF/Amber light OFF/Red light ON, State IV) Green light OFF/Amber light ON/Red light ON.


    It becomes apparent that in “Finite State Machines” the input stimulus (signal to change) produces different results (pattern of lights) for each of the states, and determines the next state entered. The best design approach for a “Finite State Machine”, is for us to handle the relationships between states through constructing a sort of “Network Diagram”. In every such diagram, each “Node” represents a state. Nodes are interconnected by means of “Edges” (a term we adapt from the Computer Network terminology list), indicating a change or, probably more accurately, a transition between states.
    In this concept, every “Edge” should have an arrow indicating direction. On the start of each connecting “Edge”, just coming out of the “Node”, we can record what the input stimulus was that would trigger this particular change in state, so for our “Traffic Lights” example we get something similar to the following:


    This kind of diagrams are known as “State Transition Networks” (STN). In the case of the “Traffic Lights” paradigm the “State Transition Network” is a fairly simple one, mainly because fairly simple is the State Machine itself as it possesses only one input to change each state, and the sequence of states is a repeated unchanging pattern.
    The following is a “State Transition Network” (STN) for a “Finite State Machine” that can internally “remember” a sequence of three binary digits. As we key in each new binary digit, it provides at the output the one keyed three strokes before:



    Download "FiniteStateMachineII"

    The primary benefit of using a “Finite State Machine” is that of code organisation. Typically, a game may start off being simple and following the code flow is easy, but computer games do not stay simple. As new features are implemented, the code has to be changed. Control over the computer game logic is then maintained "if" statement after "if" statement.
    We can immediately distinguish between seven different states which control our game: a) PlayState (Scene 1.1), b) PlayState (Scene 1.2), c) WonState (Scene 1), d) LostState (Scene1), e) PlayState (Scene 2), f) WonState (Scene 2) and, g) LostState (Scene 2). The arrows in a corresponding flow diagram would indicate all possible routes for state transition. The main aim here is to maintain a “closed loop” for every level in the game, out of which we can escape only in the case the “WonState()” has become the active state.
    Activation of the “WonState()” is in fact indicative of us being ready, after successfully completing the current game level, to make a progress to the next one.
    In relation to the definition of Finite State Machines we are in many cases just interested to the input sequence to it and, respectively, the corresponding output sequence produced by it. A Finite State Machine of this form is called a "Transducer", since it directly maps Input sequences to Output sequences (G. H. Mealy, 1965).


    In some other cases, we are equally interested in the output associated with the current state of the machine only. A Finite-state Machine of this form is called a "Classifier" (E. F. Moore, 1965).


    The first “Finite State Machine” algorithm is designed in such a way as to feed back the previous input each time a new input comes. It needs two edges from each mode, one for each possible output character:


    Download "FiniteStateMachineI"

    The “Traffic Lights” algorithm is a “Finite State Machine” with four internal states. The input stimulus (signal to change) produces different results (pattern of lights) for each of the states, and determines the next state entered according to the following pattern:

    State 1: RED = off, AMBER = off, Green = on
    State 2: RED = off, AMBER = on, Green = off
    State 3: RED = on, AMBER = off, Green = off
    State 4: RED = on, AMBER = on, Green = off


    Download "TrafficLightsFSM"

    The “Coin Machine” is a “Finite State Machine” capable of taking British coins of the following values: 5p, 10p, 20p, and 50p. It will accept each coin, and when the total is exactly 60p it will dispense a ticket. In any state it can tell the value of the coin inserted and it can reject the coin if it does not recognise it (or if it would exceed the 60p total). Of course, the machine is able to accept the coins in any order:


    Download "CoinMachineFSM"

    An "Edge Detector" Finite State Machine is designed to detect transitions between two symbols in an input sequence (e.g. 0 & 1). The Finite State Machine outputs a 0 for as long as the most recent input symbol remains the same as the previous one; when the most recent symbol differs from the previous one, the Finite State Machine outputs a 1. By definition, the "Edge Detector" always outputs a 0 after the first symbol. The prototype algorithm for this type of Finite State Machine uses three functions f(), g() & h() and is defined as follows:

    f([0 | Rest]) => [0 | g(Rest)];
    f([1 | Rest]) => [0 | h(Rest)];
    f([]) => [];

    g([0 | Rest]) => [0 | g(Rest)];
    g([1 | Rest]) => [1 | h(Rest)];
    g([]) => [];

    h([0 | Rest]) => [1 | g(Rest)];
    h([1 | Rest]) => [0 | h(Rest)];
    h([]) => [];

    Two example Input/Output sequences of this type of Finite State Machine are the following:

    0 0
    00 00
    001 001
    0011 0010
    00111 00100
    001110 001001

    1 0
    10 01
    101 011
    1010 0111
    10100 01110

    Download "The "Edge Detector" FSM (First Algorithm)"

    Download "The "Edge Detector" FSM (Second Algorithm)"

    All the above stated are not imply that “Finite State Machines” do not come with limitations. They are indeed a very valuable tool in our armoury but by no means one that can be called in action in every possible situation. As an example on “Finite State Machine” limitations, one can refer to the fact that is not possible for a “Finite State Machine” to determine whether the input consists of a prime number of symbols or the fact that sequences of well-balanced parenthesis strings, also cannot be recognised. To counter balance these inefficiencies, “Finite State Machines” perform brilliantly in situations that include:

    1. Simple forms of pattern matching (precisely the patterns definable by “Regular Expressions”).

    2. Models for sequential logic circuits, of the kind on which every present-day computer and many device controllers are based.

    3. An intimate relationship with directed graphs having arcs labelled with symbols from the input alphabet.

    A “Finite State Machine” is a nothing more than a restricted “Turing Machine”. The simplest type of computing machine that is worth considering.