This program is an implementation of the corresponding to the “Hello World!” program, in the graphics world.
An animated cube on the screen was the first ever program someone had to be able to come up with in order to
justifiably claim a first sit into the world of graphics programming. Later, the addition of images (instead
of simple color fillings) and the addition of motion within the images were the next logical steps in a graphics
programmer’s line of evolution. Many variants of the idea were subsequently implemented by different programmers
("cubes within a cube’s sides", etcetera). The program presented here creates a cube out of independent graphics
blocks (cube’s sides) which are then rotated according to the laws imposed by the Cartesian coordinates and the
boundaries of their corresponding axes. To create the squares the program uses a somewhat different method from
the one considered a classic. Starting, the memory block is formed as a combination of horizontal lines, which
come prior to any displaying on the screen. The advantage of this technique is that it can be easily extended,
theoretically on any number of squares.
Download "Cube"
Download "GraphTpu"
Download "GraphTpu"