
    All the computer programs in this section are either computer programs I designed and implemented from scratch or severely modified in such extend that I can safely call them mine. Feel free to download them, make your own modifications to them and learn your lessons as you go along the procedure.

    Create video from pictures and Music. Save them directly on your Hard Disk. The “JvideoFun” is a graphical shell written in “Java” for “DVD – SlideShow”. Actually, “JvideoFun” is a word-processing piece of software that greatly simplifies the creation of Video from images, undertaking the task of completing those tedious and time-consuming procedures that are necessary to produce the Video. The program offers tools for adding and/or removing images in the list of images or adjusting the order of the images in the Video.

    WARNING: You must first have installed "Java Runtimes" and "DVD - SlideShow" (including dependencies).


    Download "JVideoFun"

    Download "JVideoFunSC"

    Μελετῶντας Τὴ Λεξαριθμική Δομή Τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Μᾶς Γλώσσας: Ἐδῶ καὶ κάποιες δεκαετίες, οἱ ἐρευνητές ἀναζητοῦν λεξαριθμικές ἰσοψηφίες ἀνάμεσα στὶς λέξεις τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσας. Ἡ μέθοδος ποὺ συνήθως χρησιμοποιεῖται βασίζεται στὸ ἀριθμητικό σύστημα τῆς κλασικῆς περιόδου. Χρησιμοποιεῖτε τὸ λεγόμενο «Μετ-εὐκλείδειο» ἀλφάβητο ὅπου κάθε γράμμα ἀντιπροσωπεύει μία ἀριθμητική ἀξία. Μὲ τὸν τρόπο αὐτὸ βρέθηκε ὅτι πολλές συνώνυμες λέξεις ἔχουν τὸ ἴδιο λεξαριθμικό ἀποτέλεσμα, ἐνισχύοντας ἔτσι τὴ θεωρία τῆς μαθηματικῆς δομῆς τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσας. Τὸ πρόγραμμα «Λεξάριθμος» δίνει τὴ δυνατότητα νὰ ὑπολογιστεῖ αὐτόματα ὁ λεξάριθμος Ἑλληνικῶν λέξεων καὶ νὰ γίνει σύγκριση τοῦ μὲ αὐτὸν ἄλλων λέξεων ποὺ εἰσάγονται ἀπὸ τὸ χρήστη, φτιάχνοντας, μὲ τὸν καιρό, βάση δεδομένων λεξαριθμικής ἀνάλυσης. Ἐπίσης, δίνει τὴ δυνατότητα εἰσαγωγῆς λέξεων τῆς Ἀρχαίας Ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσας ποὺ χρησιμοποιοῦν τὰ τρία γράμματα τῆς ἀλφαβήτου τὰ ὁποία ἀπομακρύνθηκαν ἀπὸ τὴ Νεοελληνική ἀλφάβητο. Τὸ Δίγαμα, τὸ Κόππα, καὶ τὸ Σαμπί.

    Προσοχή: Οἱ λέξεις θὰ πρέπει νὰ εἰσάγονται στὸ πρόγραμμα δίχως τόνους, καὶ θὰ πρέπει πρῶτα νὰ ἔχετε ἐγκαταστήσει τὸ «Java Runtimes» καὶ τὸ «DVD - SlideShow» (συμπεριλαμβανομένων καὶ τῶν ἐξαρτήσεων).


    Download "Lexarithmos"

    Download "LexarithmosSC"

    Create PDF (.pdf) Files. The “PDF Express” is a graphical shell written in “Java” for “a2ps” and “ps2pdf”. The “PDF Express” greatly simplifies the creation of PDF (.pdf) files from text files, taking up the boring and time-consuming procedures necessary for their creation.

    WARNING: You must first have installed “Java Runtimes” and “a2ps”/”ps2pdf” (including dependencies) to work with “PDF Express”. To use the encoding “utf-8”, you must install the application “u2ps” (the “gnome-u2ps” not supported) and its dependencies, if any, on your computer.


    Download "PDFExpress"

    Download "PDFExpressSC"